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What Not to Miss When Jotting Down Key Details in Important Company Meetings?

Thu, 2 Mar 2023

What Not to Miss When Jotting Down Key Details in Important Company Meetings?

Have you ever been in an important company meeting where everything seemed straightforward while you were there, but when it came time to fill out all the paperwork or revisit any details of the meeting, you felt like something was missing?

Those feelings are real.

And it can be difficult to remember what happened during meetings that took place days or even weeks ago.

However, there is more to meeting note-taking than merely jotting down what was said. It is important to be mindful of key details that are often missed during the course of the meeting.

Getting key details right when documenting company meetings doesn't have to be a challenge. It is as easy as learning what not to miss when jotting down information at those important meetings.

Read on to learn how to take meeting notes that are comprehensive and effective.

But let's get this cleared up:

Meeting Notes vs. Minutes: What's The Difference?

Meeting notes and minutes are two different types of documentation often used to capture the details of a meeting.

Meeting notes are typically taken by an individual during a meeting, while minutes are a formal document created after the meeting has concluded.

Let's go both into detail.

Meeting Notes

Meeting notes tend to be more informal and focus on capturing key points discussed in the meeting, such as topics discussed, decisions made, and action items assigned.

They may also include any questions or comments raised by attendees. Meeting notes can be taken using pen and paper or digitally using a laptop or tablet.

Meeting Minutes

On the other hand, minutes are more formal documents that provide an overview of what happened during the meeting.

Minutes should include all relevant information discussed in the meeting, including topics covered, decisions made, action items assigned, and any questions or comments raised by attendees.


In short, this article is more relevant when you take notes during the meeting, although it can also be used when you format the notes into a meeting minute afterwards.

Therefore, the difference between both should not affect how you would jot down important details of the meetings you attended.

What to Jot Down During the Meeting?

Here are some tips to jot down during important company meetings:

1. Note Down the Main Topics Discussed

Detailed note-taking helps you recall key details later on and better understand what was discussed.

Plus, jotting down key points is a way to indicate your attentiveness and focus to your colleagues.

It's also crucial for keeping an accurate record of agreements and decisions made in the meeting.

2. Make a Record of Deadlines and Action Plans

When it comes to important company meetings, one of the things that you should always be sure to do is make a record of deadlines and action plans.

This will help ensure that all tasks are completed on time and prevent any key details from being missed. It also serves as a great way to prioritize tasks and create a timeline for when they need to be done.

Keeping track of deadlines and action plans makes it easier for everyone in the team to stay accountable for their responsibilities and keep an eye on progress.

3. Take Note of Key Decisions and Outcomes

This will enable everyone to move forward with their respective tasks and understand the whole picture. It's essential to jot down the agreed-upon decisions and outcomes, so all involved parties are aware of the result.

Recording these outcomes also serves as a reference for later use – ensuring that all decisions can be tracked and progress monitored.

4. Record Any Additional Resources Assigned

You'll want to pay close attention and write down any documents, videos, websites, or other materials discussed during the meeting.

Making sure to jot down these extra resources will make them easily accessible for future reference. The best way to do this is by saving them in a shared folder or cloud storage system so that anyone in your team can find them quickly and easily when needed.

Recording all of these extra details during the meeting may take some extra time, but it goes a long way in ensuring that all key details are recorded accurately.

5. Document Contact Information for Any New Contacts

Whenever you attend a business meeting, it's important to take note of the details and contact information for any new people you meet.

Ensure that this data is documented professionally, including their names, company names, email addresses, phone numbers, and other relevant bits of info.

Everything should be kept in a safe place so that you can easily access it if necessary. In addition, having this information at the ready leads to better convenience in the future; it'll be no problem to get back in touch with these contacts.

6. Record Any Potential Obstacles or Risks Discussed

Taking the time to pay attention to what could hinder success and writing it down in your notes will ensure that nothing is overlooked. It might be cumbersome, but having a record of any possible issues may make the difference between meeting goals and accepting failure.

So when you're attending meetings for your business, take note of any potential barriers to success that may come up in the discussion.

Although there may be much excitement around the objective at hand, don't forget those minor details, as these could stand in the way of final success.

Recording each risk or obstacle that surfaces as you go along, saves time and energy – essential resources for working towards a successful outcome.

7. Include Notes on Any Potential Areas for Improvement

When taking notes during important company meetings, it is imperative that you jot down any potential areas for improvement that are discussed.

Writing these areas for improvement down helps to ensure the productivity of the meeting and keeps everyone on the same page about what needs to be achieved.

In addition, be sure to take note of any ideas brought up during the meeting that could be implemented in the future. This will help ensure that no idea or potential area of improvement is forgotten after the meeting and that everyone has a clear view of what needs to be done.

8. Summarize Key Takeaways for Future Reference

This way, when looking back on what was said, it'll be easier to understand why certain decisions were made and what needs to be done at a later date.

Additionally, having a good record of what was discussed can help keep everyone on the same page if there is a disagreement between members about details mentioned in previous meetings.

How can you summarize the takeaways? Here's an example that you may follow:

  1. The team discussed the project's current status and identified areas for improvement.

  2. Stakeholders identified risks and areas of improvement to ensure successful project completion.

  3. The team agreed on a timeline and action plan for the project.

  4. All parties agreed to continue to collaborate and monitor progress to ensure the successful completion of the project.

When summarizing, include the following:

  • The key points discussed.
  • Any action plans agreed upon.
  • Any other details that are brought up.

This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that all details are remembered for future reference.

To Sum Up,

Recording key information from important meetings is vital to success. Keeping a comprehensive set of notes allows you to review what was discussed and ensure everyone agrees quickly.

Although it takes some work to get used to taking accurate notes, having this system in place ensures that crucial details are not forgotten.

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