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What to Do When You Get Laid Off as an Employee?

Wed, 15 Feb 2023

What to Do When You Get Laid Off as an Employee?

What to Do When You Get Laid Off as an Employee?

Do you feel like your life has been thrown upside down since losing your job? You’re not alone; losing your job, whether due to a layoff or termination, can be a life-altering event.

Whether it’s a surprise or expected, it leads to an emotional roller coaster of panic and confusion, and it can be difficult to know how to move forward.

It’s important to know what to do after getting laid off so that you can make sound decisions for your future.

But don’t worry — being laid off doesn’t have to spell disaster for your professional career. There are steps you can take to bounce back and move forward with confidence.

So keep reading!

What Does Getting Laid Off Mean if You Are An Employee?

Being laid off as an employee signifies that your employer has decided to terminate your employment; this could be due to downsizing, company restructuring, or even financial difficulties.

It does not necessarily mean that you have done something wrong; simply that the company no longer requires your services.

Being laid off is a traumatic experience and can be challenging to process. On the one hand, it’s a loss of security and stability as you now find yourself unemployed. Yet, at the same time, there may be relief in knowing that the stress and constant demands associated with a current role are now gone.

It may well be an opportunity to move onto something new and take on another challenge - or if circumstances permit, try something completely different with new ideas and interests.

What Can You Do, Moving Forward?

To alleviate your suffering, you can take the following steps:

1. Take Time to Process Emotions

When you experience a layoff, it’s important to take time to process your emotions and recognize the full range of feelings that may come up.

We understand that this can be an intimidating and overwhelming situation. Therefore, make sure you give yourself adequate space and time to feel whatever emotion is coming up at the moment - whether it’s sadness, anger, disappointment or even relief.

Allow yourself to mourn the loss of a job and the future it could have held for you before you truly move forward with taking the following steps. Acknowledging your feelings will prepare you better for the next steps ahead.

2. Evaluate Your Financial Condition

It’s crucial to take stock of your current situation and determine what resources are available.

First, look at your budget and see where you can make cuts or adjustments to make ends meet.

Next, check your credit score and determine if there are areas that need improvement.

Finally, contact your bank or credit card provider and discuss payment plans that could help manage your loans if you have any.

Evaluating your financial condition is essential when dealing with the aftermath of a layoff. Use this opportunity to create a realistic budget and get back on track financially.

3. Reach Out & Connect with Your Network

After you get laid off, reach out and connect with your network as soon as possible.

Make sure that you let your contacts know about your job search, what you’re looking for, and any other information that may be helpful.

Your contacts will be one of the most valuable resources during your job search - referrals and recommendations are invaluable in finding the right job!

Don’t forget to keep in touch with your contacts even after landing a new job, as they may help you down the line.

Reaching out and connecting with those who know you are a great way to ensure you stay connected while on the hunt for a new job.

4. Take Time to Refocus

When you lose your job, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by negative thoughts, but it’s important to focus on things that you can control.

Look at your skills and assess which new opportunities you could take advantage of with your newfound free time.

You might consider taking classes or going through certifications in an area that interests you. Making use of this unwanted free time by researching and learning about a field or skill you’ve wanted to explore can offer a chance for growth and resurgence in your career path.

So don’t let the layoff leave you feeling negative--focus on what you can do and use the opportunity to learn something new or even re-evaluate your skillsets, which brings us to the next step.

5. Re-evaluate Your Skills

When you face a layoff, it’s essential to take the time to re-evaluate your current skillset. Ask yourself

  • What valuable assets do I possess that could help me in a new job or career?
  • What additional skills do I need to learn so I can become more desirable in the job market?
  • What are my strengths, and how can I use them to reach success?

By doing this exercise, you’ll be able to identify opportunities and create meaningful goals for yourself for the future.

With this newfound information, you’ll be able to find the right job or career that best fits your potential. Using this time also allows you to explore new routes that could benefit your growth and introduce fresh elements into your life.

So don’t despair yet - see it as an adventure waiting to happen! That brings us to the next point.

6. Explore New Opportunities

When you get laid off from your job, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed.

Take a deep breath and remember that this is an exciting chance to discover new opportunities!

What kind of opportunities, you may ask? Well, start searching for another job, take on some additional training or qualifications, or even start your own business, if you have the guts!

This is also an ideal moment to develop new skills, perhaps in a field entirely different from the one you just left. And if you find something that you’re genuinely passionate about - all the better! Exploring these various choices will give you a sense of purpose while helping you make a positive change.

7. Consider Applying for Unemployment Benefits

Known as EIS benefits, unemployment benefits can provide a much-needed financial cushion during a difficult time.

Eligibility requirements usually involve being unemployed through no fault of your own and meeting certain earnings levels in a base period prior to the layoff.

The application process for these benefits is easy and can be done online or by visiting the SOCSO office near you. Check out their website for more information on how to apply for one.

8. Seek Professional Guidance

When it comes to dealing with the upheaval after being laid off, seeking professional guidance is an absolute must. Professional guidance is not just about finding a job but also about dealing with the emotional and psychological effects of being laid off.

A professional counsellor can help you to process your feelings, develop coping strategies, and create a plan for moving forward. They can also provide you with resources to help you find a new job or career path.

Whether you talk to a financial planner or a career counsellor, they can provide you with much-needed clarity about your legal rights and available options.

In addition, a mental health professional can help address any anxiety and stress that this job transition might have caused, so you don’t find yourself in a disadvantageous position later on.

By connecting with knowledgeable professionals about layoffs and job transitions, you can make sure that unexpected changes don’t leave you feeling helpless or put your future prospects at risk.

We at Upscale offer professional guidance and resources to help you navigate the job transition process and match you with the right employment options. Find out more at www.upscale.my.

At the end of the day,

Becoming unemployed is never an easy pill to swallow, as it effectively brings myriad trials. But take it slowly, take one step at a time, and expect what’s coming next.

Keep your energy focused on the positives and ensure you use available resources like unemployment benefits, career consulting, and connecting with people in the same industry.

With a healthy attitude and fortune on your side, you should be able to capitalize on this misfortune and become more adequately prepared for your career when it passes.

